I finally have a peyote in my collection, Lophophora williamsii.

Holy shit, I finally have what I was looking for and I need your help @nikv and @ewkaw, despite being a cactus native to Mexico, in my country it is very difficult to find information about the species, the traffic and consumption of peyote have made talking about the plant something uncomfortable, today I could finally get my hands on one of them to add it to my collection, it is very small, too small, it is barely a year old and the truth is that I don't know how I should take care of it.


Even with macro photography it looks small, so imagine how small it is. What I am wondering is if I should leave it where it is or transplant it to stimulate its growth, it is very small about half a centimeter.



Let me tell the story quickly, in one of the nurseries where I go to buy, they have a whatsapp group which I joined, all the people share pictures of their garden but there was one that caught my attention for the great variety of cactus that he has, I asked him if I could visit his garden and he said yes, and since he has these small peyotes he gave me one and I really appreciate it, he also gave me more cactus that I show you below.




I will be honest, he told me the names of all these cactus but I forgot them, I was so excited to see so many varieties that I didn't pay much attention to the name, although it could also be that between so many names that he told me was the cause of my confusion, the great news is that I agreed to return in a couple of days since I will bring him the offspring of the cactus that I have and he does not.



From this cactus he gave me four offspring, and although at first I thought they might have some kind of plague because of its texture, when I saw the macro photographs I think that this cactus is like this because it has the same conditions all over the plant, and I really like it (Although I do observe some mealybug residues, I will fumigate them).



Finally the huernia zebrina that I recently brought from the nursery is responding quite well to the transplant and its new location in my garden, it has already started to fill with flowers and I am very happy about it.

Tomorrow I will show you some pictures that I took in this person's garden, I think they will look great but I need to finish editing the pictures.

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