Someone (or something) is having a feast!!


Gerard, the winter storm came some 10 days ago to Spain. His first day was pretty strong, I guess he wanted to show his force and blew as much as he could. A few things on my balcony decided to fly with that wind, among them two orchid plants. It was an immediate sign for me to remove the majority of my plants from the stands and place them on the floor where the wind would not make any damage. Just the giant Aloe Vera stayed in its place, it is not heavy so there was no chance the wind could overturn the pot.


Some of them even finished inside the house as in that rescue operation I noticed that something or someone is having a great feast! I needed to check those better. It was a knife in my heart! The Ruby Blush served as dinner to that nasty thing!! 😱😱😱

Look at these bites! Both on the first photo and on the photo below. Those look like bites from a snail, a bigger insect, a bird or... what it could be?? It is just impossible that it was made by some small bugs. So far, no culprit that I saw, just the dry droppings on some leaves. I think that these bites are not so fresh and that the thing went away. But who knows? I just don't want to think that the Fuzzy will be eaten up entirely.


But I have two more pots of this same plant. Not as nice as the big (mother plant) as these were the branches that were broken when she fell from the stand (if I remember well last year). So, I am thinking of chopping off all these long branches and leaving just those short ones. I could make shorter cuttings from the cut-off parts and place them into the soil.
Would it work out?
It is a bit ugly having this shape.




I also checked the community pot that I made some time ago. Recently I got some new cuttings and placed them there too, with the rest of the baby gang. It is a colourful pot, I mean there is everything 😂 all mixed. Some of these grew from the leaves I placed in the soil and they still have the old leaf but the plant started to grow already so nicely, for example, this one:


Also, these twins still have the leaf from where they are growing. When this leaf was accidentally detached from the mother plant I put it into the soil. I found it interesting because of its shape, having two peaks. And indeed, two little babies are growing from it 😍😍


More details from the same pot...but not many, as I couldn't make good any decent photos of the small plants, too many details and my camera didn't want to focus. Well, it doesn't have a great lens and anyway, we talk here about plants :D


Those new cuttings (placed now in the community pot) are not the only ones I got. There also made a nice road trip and came back to Spain with me. They patiently slept for a few days in a small cardboard box and now are living with the other big plants. They stayed in these pots at the moment. Ok, there is also one cactus, not in the photo right now. But no worries, it also survived 😉



I think this plant will also have to make an appointment with a hairdresser. It grew very long branches and looks like an octopus with 5 long tentacles. 😂 Too long ones.


Should I cut off them and make new, shorter cuttings = new plants? Is it a good idea?



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