My new acquisition.


Greetings Beautiful community of Succulent growers, I have just acquired three new species of cacti and succulents. I am going to transplant them to other pots for propagation and by the end of the year I should already get species similar to these which will be the mother cacti.

Mammilaria Wrightii:

This is the first time I get this species, I saw the mother plant from which this one grew and it behaves in the same way as mammillarias in general with abundant offspring around it.


It is a very prickly cactus but it can be taken by hand with care, the flower on the mother plant is a soft red color and I hope my plant will soon be full of its beautiful small flowers.


Gasteria Pillansii:

This succulent is from South Africa. It has a lot of resemblance to aloes and in fact has a kinship with them.

This plant forms its leaves one in front of the other and they are arranged in the shape of a tongue. The leaves are thick and fleshy, with green color and white dots.


Soon I will remove the son that is seen approaching the side of the plant. It reproduces abundantly like the Aloes or Haworthias.


Sedum Adolphii:

It’s a succulent coming from Mexico although it is nowadays distributed in several continents.

Its leaves as you can see grow in rockets, are elongated and thick. This plant has been cultivated in the shade, hence its long stem and very separate leaves. In addition, when we place it in the sun its green color changes a little becoming a little reddish and darker green.


It grows in bushy form with erect stem and also depending on its multiplication it can hang from its pot.


I am looking forward to its multiplication and flowering, that will be when I will post about it again.

Thank you all for your comments and votes.

All photography are my property taken with my Redmi note 9 phone.

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png

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