The ugly pretty Kalanchoe

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Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is a very popular and cheap plant to get available probably all year round in flower shops and supermarkets. And I probably had (yes, had) most of the colours in the past years. For some reason (I will not admit my neglect) they all managed to die. Being one of the most attractive plants for mealybugs to live on doesn't help.

And out of all the colours I only have this one left. The most common one I would say as the flowers have very simple shape. And this one I actually didn't buy, but I got a cutting of a plant that grew happing in a garden.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

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Lovely little, bright red flowers. They can bloom for a long time and while the oldest ones die, new ones open.

I kindof wish I still had the yellow and white one. They would make a nice little trio now.

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Few very naked stems are asking to be trimmed, but until they did not dry up completely, I will leave them as they are. It doesn't bother me at all. I actually like that look... like an old bonsai tree.
Plus, they still have some leaves on top :)

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Oh the leaves.... the red colour is so stunning! I know it is a sign of stress either way too hot, too dry or too cold. It also could be that the roots are not in the best condition and thee plant is not able to get enough water.
Who knows.. 🤷‍♂

But I like when they look like this, though it makes the flowers disappear a bit.

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Ans this is the whole plant. It has been though a lot and I thought I lost this one too at some point. But surprise surprise... it started to grow new little stems from the base.

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And now for the bonus weeds :)
I mentioned a while ago that these fellas will pop a lot this year. They just feel so good on the balcony they decided to spread freely and now I find them hiding under succulent leaves, cacti pots... everywhere.

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And yea, there is a spider living there too.

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Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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