Bells and hidden roomies

Kalanchoe manginii flowers 2022 4.jpg

Before cactus seasons tarts (I think I saw some buds today starting to form) I get to enjoy the pretty red bells from my Kalanchoe plats. Two of them are in bloom now. Both red.

This one is not my favourite, though I do enjoy the flowers. It grows in a very messy manner and I just don't know if I should trim it every year, or simply get fresh cuttings and plant them all over. So it grows until I get pissed off and chop it :p
That happened last year. The old plant went to the bin as the stems are just long and naked and I planted a bunch of little, fresh cuttings. That is what is in bloom now.

Kalanchoe manginii

Kalanchoe manginii flowers 2022 1.jpg

Currently it is called Bryophyllum manginii, though I saw both names are being used.
It is a perennial plant especially when grown in a garden and can grow to a large bushy mess.

As a proper succulent it doesn't need much care. Just some water from time to time in the summer. Crappy sandy soil is what they like, though I noticed it will grow almost in anything.

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The small leaves turn nice and red when stressed, which is in winter when it gets colder or in summer when exposed to a full sun.

And they can handle full sun well! One of the few plants I can leave in more open space in the summer and I know it will survive.

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Oh hold on!
What is that?

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Yep... we have some unwanted guests.
Those black aphids pop now and then and on those dark flower stems they are not as visible. I did not see them until I got really close to take some shots.
Little suckers!

I already spayed it with Neem oil and hope it will be enough to get rid of them. Will repeat in a few days.

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I had an observer while shooting :p

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Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

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