MY PATH (poetry)


Wanna come with me,
On a journey,
A journey I leave for you to name,
A route least voyaged,

Lunacy echoes it,
Madness also seems it,
Hopeless like every hopeless object.
For a spouse praying,

Even my intents not known to her,
For I don’t know her
For a union that will thank thy creator,
An amalgamation in the mind of one,
Readiness to the other, now a delusion.
Illusion seems everything and nothing in the realms of conviction,*

Where tangible materializes from intangible,
Only when the inflexible path journeyed,
The Cat wins the Tiger in a battle then.
Fruits are eaten before the seeds germinate,
One becomes a toddler before he ages,
Paths traveled on when yet to be fashioned,

The best counsellors ever known are ourselves,
And solving every problem,
Intersecting every oubliette pit,
Conceivable in love arena of the adolescence,
Only when tumbling in love.

Thanks for reading. See you next time

Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp

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