Farm.Game on Telos , get EOSIO Rewards for playing ACTUALLy popular STEAM games.

Ballin out with STEAM and Telos EOSIO with my Telos SCatter Account! I can create a new gaming event heer and pay winners in crypto lol so advanced it leaves regular eos and hive in the dust. Lucky for us hive is joining forces with telos in many ways.

See what happens when I stay out of Telos for a few months? They are given CIA permission to release the wake of real dapps behind me like where you can use your Steam account and earn real telos token rewards, so think Angry Warlords on steroids and Crack and the crach is fuled by METH, RHINO meth! EOS meth! ITS TELOS and GAMES WOOOO

It says "requires WOmbat extension" but i got in with SCatter Telos but maybe I should use wombat, which is free for telos now

Ok Im in connected my steam account lol GODAMn

So I can make an event like this, DOTA seems to only be supported on my end but I believe you can do CSGo and most games soon.

wow my first EOSIO smart contract steam game match over LIVE thanks to and Justin from @infinityblock

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