
The glory of the Lord is a great glory, a glory thta no one can dare to destroy, not even the forces of darkness. Isaiah 43:11.

Those people that chooses to worship idols really do not k iw what they are doing and they have been deceived by the devil.
The closer you get to God, the more understanding you will have.


God created the sun and the moon, but if you try to look at the sun, whose light is what we are using to see during the day, it will surely affect your sight, if that's the case, how much more will the glory of the Lord do to you?
1cor 15:41
The sun, the moon has its own glory, but the greatest of them all is the glory of God. Rev 21:23.
Where ever the glory of the Lord is not present, do not go there. It's not in every church the glory of the Lord can be found, you can't find the glory of the Lord in every home, etc.
We refer to our God as the king of Glory, because He's so superior in glory. Psalm 24:7.
The Lord established the glory above the heavens. Psalm 8. And this glory is exceeding.
Whenever the glory of the Lord descends into a place, the peace of the Lord will be present there, the grace of the Lord will be present there, so many good things will be present there. Luke 10:1-6.
Thats why whenever you get to a place or a house, the first thing you should say as a child of God is PEACE BE UNTO THIS HOUSE. because the peace of the Lord is always with us and anywhere you get to, it willl surely manifest itself in that place.
Anyone who doesn't accept Jesus christ cannot have the peace of God. 1king 8:10-11.

Because where ever the glory of God is not present the angels, the holy spirit cannot be there, the peace of God cannot go there too. numbers 15:9-10.

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