Mass Indoctrination, 13th Dec, 2022.

Hello everyone,
I enjoyed the broadcast via YouTube and really learn a lot.

Humans have only one race which is human race despite our physical, social, economic or ethnic differences. We have the same biological make-up, this we are one race. We should treat others fairly and accept them in our midst. But many people or country have discriminates others. In first century, Aquila and his wife Priscilla were sent out of Rome because of their Jew lineage. It was inhumane and subjected others to unfair treatment. Same is the date of many other people but some people have shown good examples and their name written in gold . For example, In Europe, during Nazi rule of Germany, shop and business of Jews were burnt down and thousands killed, others fled. No nation/country was willingly to accept them in doves. They really suffered but President Quezon of Philippines came for the rescue and open hands to them. Humanity first, He even gave them his mansion for shelther and relief materials provided.

Heb chap 11:6, With faith, we seek God tirelessly. Although, there are many that have stop seeking for God and believe that they don't need his approval, such view is wrong because they are not living the best form of lives. But with God, our lives will be peaceful and purposeful.

Significance of the lesson

For us, to enjoy a clean standing with God, we must abide by his rules and treat others fairly. There is a need for us to seek God and wait patiently for his blessings.

Be generous and open handed because we will receive others generosity too. With God's promise, a kind person will never run out of essentials. God don't lie, such promises always fulfilled.

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