Keeping Promises To Children

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Keeping Promises To Children

Bible references: Ecclesiastes 5:4 Proverbs 13:12, Proverbs 27:1

Brother Eli advises us in this video not to make promises. Instead of making promises, it's better to make a surprise. He discourages us from making promises that we end up fulfilling by force. Making a promise is one thing; the fulfillment is another thing.

We may have intentions of doing or providing something for our loved ones, and we end up turning it into a promise. We do not necessarily need to start making promises. For instance, if we want to get something for someone we care about, it's better to save up little by little and get it for the person.

The person would appreciate it more than making a promise that you end up fulfilling under duress, or in some cases, end up going unfulfilled at all, thereby raising the person's hope in vain. I have an experience that I can use to totally relate to this scenario.

There was a time in our church we had a love feast. We wrote down our names on sheets of paper, squeezed them, and were asked to pick the sheets of paper at random. After picking a name, I met the person and asked him what he'd like me to get for him. He told me, and I told him I can't promise to get him the gift but will try my best. By the grace of God, I was able to get him what he requested.

However, the person that picked me also asked me what I wanted, and I told him anything at all, but he insisted that I tell him exactly what I wanted, and I ended up telling him. He promised me to get me what I asked. This happened about 3 years ago. Up until now, I haven't received anything from him.

I am not upset with him for not getting me the gift. But he shouldn't have raised my hopes up. He made a promise he couldn't keep. Maybe what I mentioned for him to get for me was above his budget, which made it difficult for him to get for me. That's why my initial request was for him to get me anything.

If he had accepted my first request, maybe it'd have been possible for him to save gradually and get it for me. Or if he had told me plainly that he may not have been able to get me something just like I told the person I picked, I still wouldn't have been mad at all.

This is how God wants us to walk with him also. In the Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 5, verse 4, God talks against making a promise (vow) that we end up not fulfilling. In the Book of Proverbs, chapter 27, verse, God tells us there also not to boast of tomorrow, for we are uncertain of it.

What God is trying to tell us in this scripture is that we shouldn't announce things we are not sure of or executing. We should be very careful because we may plan for things to go a certain way and they may end up not going as planned.

We shouldn't be too quick to make promises. Instead of trying to impress someone with a promise that would take a lot from you, it's better to impress someone with a surprise. Something the person did not expect. Remain blessed.

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