Prayer is the key for every Believer

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Hello brethren!
I bring everyone greeting!
Trust we are all basking in God's Goodness?


Today I want to share with us the importance of prayer to a Christians life.
Prayer we all know is the key to attain a higher height........... Jesus Christ who is our lord started with prayer and ended with prayer and the Bible make it clear to us that we should "Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:17"
When you pray as a christain you made your request known unto God and he hears your Cry and send down his angels to grant your requests.
"For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
1 Peter 3:12"
When we pray God is ever ready to answer us and as a christian is it not right for us not to pray, prayer is the only means that we can command God to work wonders in our lives.
When we don't pray we give the devil to access to take Over our lives........... Prayers is the strongest force that even the devil is afraid of a prayerful christain.


There are needs for a christain to pray, because when you pray;

  • You pray in other to put God to work in your life

  • You pray to make your request known to God

  • You pray to remind him of his promises

  • You pray to resist the devil

  • You pray to position your life in God's way.


I urge us all to make prayer a habit.........!
A prayerful christain fears nothing and evil is not bound to take you unaware.
Prayers has been working for me and I believe it will work too for everyone reading this
In the bible "Mattew 7:7-10"
I understand that we can only make our needs know to God by praying,and when we pray we make known to him what we desire and that he will do for us........!

    Thank you for visiting my blog today God bless you🙋

I pray we all receive the spirit of God to pray in thy name of Jesus Christ our lord (Amen)

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