

Welcome back to my blog friends trust you all are doing great?
In this entry I will be sharing what I learnt from the mass Indoctrination Day 3 teaching via zoom meeting....... please be kind enough to read through, surport and drop your questions.

Important Point i Learnt From The Teaching.

The teachings of the doctrines of Christ continued I learnt we are to taste all spirit and see of there are from God and can taste them by studying the doctrines so as to know when we are being mislead

2 Peter 2:1
I learnt as at 2000 years ago many false prophets came into the world some claiming to be Christ why some claiming to be the witness but we can overcome by studying and understanding the true doctrines of Christ.
False teachers and false prophets lives among us we are to learn to balance whatsoever we hear with what is in the bible, we are to compare all saints and know which one is truth.

1 Thessalonians 5:21, Romans 12:9
We are to abstain from evil we taste all to know that which is good and keep to it.
We are to live in love and abstain from that which is evil.

The doctrines

I learnt that prayer is one of the doctrines of Christ.
Sinners are not to pray to God because God hate a sinner and does not listen to their prayers.
Proverbs 15:8
Even the sacrifice of a sinful heart is abomination to God, I learnt that as a christian we are to learn how to pray, how God will accept our prayers and what we should do for God to access our prayers.

The Right Way of praying

Matthew 6:7
When we pray with repetitions we are praying in vain, because our prayers are not hard because we repetite them but because our heart are clean.

We are not to pray with the Rosery just like the Catholics because the Rosery is not among the doctorins of Christ.
The rosery came into existence 1,200 years after the departure of Christ from the earth.

Isaiah 65:24
I learnt that God made a promise to those we keep his doctrines that before thy pray he will answer because he knows the things that we are in need of and if we keep his doctrines he will make it available before we pray to him for it.

Ecclesiastes 5:1-2
We are to pray according to the situation we are into we should learn how to say few words to God for he knows it all even before we open our mouth to pray, if we are in trouble our prayers should be for God to show us mercy.

Matthew 6:5-6
We are to pray in secret so as for God to reward us openly,we are not to pray for men to see that we are praying we pray in our closet having our doors lock 🔒.

Act 20:36, Matthew 26:39, psalm 95:6
We are to kneel down when praying to God and not standing in streets nor even in our house.
Kneeling down is the act of humanity and respect to God the creator.
The bible was written in Greeks and Hebrew and we can see the law of kneeling in both Hebrew bible and Greek bible.
I learnt that praying is more effective when you are alone in you house at night having your doors shot and kneeling down, bowing your heads to the floor as a sign of respect to God.

I also learnt that if we are in a public place and we feel like to pray we are allowed to pray standing or sitting but the prayer should be silently.

status of praying to God

The praying status I learnt as as follows:

  • I learnt to pray kneeling down
  • I learnt to pray in silence
  • To pray in my closet and having my door 🚪 lock
  • I learnt to cover my hair as woman before praying.

When we pray, we are to follow the right manner so our prayers can be answered

Old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening in the Zoom meeting?

Before now I do think that violence prayers are more effective also I don't believe in covering my hair i believe as far my hair is not shaved they is no need to cover it again, also I do think kenneling and bowing down why praying is the culture of the Muslims.


How the study affect us that can make us a better person that we can use in our daily lives?

The zoom meeting has help to change my mindset I now know that am not to pray having my hair open or shouting to the top of my voice, am not to pray to God nor sacrifice to him when my heart is not clean, I'm to kneel down and always pray in silence having my door shot in my closet I also learnt that mercy prayer is the pray in time of trouble.

For my followers we are inviting you all to join us in @MCGIcommunity let's share and study the world of God together.

       Thanks be to God brethren 🙌.
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