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Repentance Brings Us Gain, Not Loss

Thursday 4th of May 2023

Lead image by Jametlene Reskp

When you take a look of what his happening every where around the world you might have an insight that his words are manifesting. The world is moving closer to the end time. The day when the Son of Man will come to take the saints away from this wicked world, a day when every single person will give account of his or herself.

On that day many shall be save and many shall not be save but the good thing is that dear readers me and you shall be safe. You shall be safe from hell fire if you amend your ways now, the next 5 minutes may be too late; The end is near.

There are many christians but few believers. The Bible told us that on the last days some people who do miracles in the name of the Lord shall be cast into hell fire which is enternal damnation.

For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is enternal life in christ Jesus our lord. [Romans 6 vs 23]

The gift of God is enternal life that will save your soul and my soul from enternal damnation. The only way to meet the father is through the son which is our lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross of calvary for the whole world to be save from enternal damnation.

The only thing that can make an individual not to have enternal life is "SIN" which I usually say in full "Satan Identification Number".
In the book of psalms 66 vs 18 the Bible says "If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me"

The above scripture let us to understand that Our heavenly father will not keep any relationship with whoever engages in sins.

Dear readers,
The only way you can escape enternal damnation is by "repentance". Repentance brings gain not loss, repentance brings you close to Go and far from the devil. The way of the Lord is the way of the truth while the way of the devil is the way to enternal damnation.

Repent from your sins, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior that is the only way everyone of us can escape enternal damnation!

Now that you have hear the word don't forget to share the word with others!


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