Thanks be to God and mcgi for another wonderful explorative teachings at the mass indoctrination day 9

Important points I learnt from God's word discussed.

Watch and pray so you don't fall into temptation. It's our obligation to gather as a congregation. The reason for gathering as a congregation is to provoke good works and love among brethren. As christian we should have maintenance. We should do good and be continually exhorted upon.

Perfect joy can be felt when you're with the brethren. Sunday is the first day of the week. A bigger part of the gathering is spent in studying the word of God. We should devote more time to gathering.
There should be singing in a gathering.
Singing is one of the joyful things in life.
The word has measurements.
In the bible, the stars that are singing are the angels. Those in heaven are singing to God. When the angels were on earth, they sang to God. God himself sings.

Singing is an important part of the gathering. They're songs that are songs of deliverance. When ghosts and evil spirits hear that you're praising God they flee.
The power of God manifests when singing.
The angels sing because it's a good thing to sing praises to God.

Singing comes from God. Singing started even before the earth was created. Man learnt to sing. The gathering is a solemn gathering. Singing with grace is your heart.
We should have psalms as songs when gathering.

We should pray through songs that make him pleased with us. We sing in all situations. When you're worshiping God,we should sing to him. The early christians gathered everyday. Everyday includes all days. The commandant is to gather. There is no evil in gathering and singing to God. We should ask one another how each and everyone is doing. We should look for one another. The gathering is one of the important instructions in Christ.

The following were my old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening.
1.i thought we shouldn't gather with the brethren.

How teaching affects me as a better person.
1.I now know that singing comes from God.
2.I now know that the gathering of brethren is a solemn gathering.
3.I now know that evil spirits flee when we sing .
4.I now know that angels sings because it is a good thing to sing to God
5.I now know that gathering with the brethren is a commandment.

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