Thanks be to God and mcgi for another wonderful explorative teachings at the mass indoctrination day 8

Important points I learnt from God's word discussed.

God's light and goodness can be reflected in us. Men will glorify God because of our good works.
Mattew 5:16 talks about the fact that our good works make people to glory God.
The commandment of God is to do good to God and our fellow men including our enemy. It's a great thing to God for us to win souls. It's more pleasing to God for a sinner to repent.

1 Corinthians 5:11 talks about any man who doesn't want to keep God's commandment and should be expelled from the house of God. Feed your enemies and give them food. The true doctrine of the bible is not cruel.
Titus 3:10 A man that doesn't want to obey God's word and be corrected from his evil ways after the first and second admonition should be rejected. Brethren who do evil should be expelled in the church.

Ezekiel 34:10 talks about God taking away his sheep from you. Hid will take his people or sheep from any pastor or king that's doing evil. The true church in the bible is not oppressive.
Psalm 16:3 talks about if you do good God is pleased with you. We can make God happy. God will also remember us if we persuade one soul to repent. We're being taught to do good to others in order to persuade others to God.

1 Timothy 3:2 says a bishop should be upright. We should lay one thing to another to find the truth or see the reason. To see what's right, good and excellent, you have to compare. They're preachers that they are workers of hell. We entice others and multiply because of our charities.
God wants us to bear fruit and win souls.
It's not good to start something and not finish it.

The following were my old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening.

  1. I believed before that we shouldn't show love and charities to those that are not of the same household with us.
  2. I believe before that we shouldn't expel any one from the church

How teaching affects me as a better person.
1.I now know that we should show love and charities to others.
2.I now know that the true doctrine of the bible is not cruel.
3.I now know that it's good to do good to all men, even those not of the faith.
4.I now know that our good works make people glorify God.
5.I now know that we should relate and love our enemies so that we can win them to Christ.
6.I now know that if you do good, God is pleased with you.
7.I now know that it's pleasing to God to see a sinner repent

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