Thanks be to God and mcgi for another wonderful explorative teachings at the mass indoctrination day 11

Important points I learnt from God's word discussed.

Many tables are full of vomit and filthiness. The table symbolizes the church where people are fed. The lord Jesus has set a table and he's the one serving. They're two tables or places to eat or serve. You cannot partake of the lord's table and the devil. Christ has a table and he feeds people from his table. In the true church they're things God leaves to do. In the true church the children of God are guided by the holy spirit. Not everything is instructed, some things are voluntary or by your own disposition. A vow is done voluntarily. It's not dictated to you.

Numbers 30:2 talks about the fact that a man shouldn't break his word. A vow comes from you. You're binding yourself to it. A vow is imposing an obligation to yourself. You have to be true to your vow. If you want to ask God for something, make a vow. In a vow you won't be commanded on what to do, the decision is left to you.
Giving should be voluntary. We're to decide how much to give. The contribution in the church is your voluntary act. You're the one to decide how much you'll give. The giver should go to the box and the box won't be brought to him lest he feels ashamed if he doesn't have. Our contributions are used to preach the Gospel. The offering of the church should be used to propagate the gospel. Not all services should have collections. If you don't have offerings you shouldn't be accused of stealing. There's no fixed price in the true church. They're something you're not commanded to do, but you do it voluntarily. Not everything will be told to you to do. We should offer thanksgiving as a vow to God. Thanksgiving should be given voluntarily to praise God.

Thanksgiving is a vow and it's offered by man. It's legal before God to do something voluntarily. The decision is up to you .

The following were my old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening.
1.that the offering basket should be brought to you to give always.

How teaching affects me as a better person.
1.I now know that giving should be voluntary.
2.I now know that a man should keep his vow .
3.I now know that a man should do Thanksgiving
4.i now know that a man cannot serve two masters.
5.I now know that our contributions are use to propagate the gospel.

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