Thanks be to God and mcgi for another wonderful explorative teachings at the mass indoctrination day 11

Important points I learnt from God's word discussed.

They're works that God entrusts to you. The table signifies the church. Jesus has set a table and he's the one serving it.
1 Corinthians 10:21 talks about the fact that you can't serve the lord and the devil. Christ has a table, he feeds people off his table. In the true church, we're led by the holy spirit. They're things you do voluntarily. Willingness have a wonderful reward. A man must fulfill his vow. A vow comes from you. A vow is opposing an obligation on yourself. You have to be true to your vow.

Ecclesiastes 5:5 talks about the fact that we should always fulfill our vow. God have no pleasure in fools. Make a vow if you want a favour from God. The offering of a true church, is by voluntary decision and it's not fixed. The contribution of the church is a voluntary decision by the member. You are the one who is to decide how much you'll give. Tithing was a commandment in the time of the Israelite. What's in our dispensation now is voluntary giving. Our contributions in the true church are used to preach the gospel. Other part of the contribution are use to pay for electricity bills, internet bills and print flyers etc. The early church collection are voluntarily.

2 Corinthians 9:7 explains that you should give voluntarily. Giving should be voluntarily. In the true church there's no fixed price, it's you that will decide what you'll give. Making vows is another voluntary act. The offering of Thanksgiving is also a voluntary act or vow.

Psalm 116:8 explain that Thanksgiving is done voluntarily. Thanksgiving is a vow to God by man. It's legal before God because God didn't command us to do it, but we do it voluntarily.
Hebrews 13:15 explains thag we should not forget to do good and share. The sacrifice of praise should be continually.
The sacrifice of praise is Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is a sacrifice that God is well pleased. It's not dictated upon . We're to contribute voluntarily.
Praising God, thanksgiving and voluntary contribution are the three things are to do that's not forced on us. When you're fasting give the food you're supposed to eat to beggars. Be thankful. If you make a vow, do it . They're so many reasons for you to offer thanksgiving to God.
1 thessalonians 5:18 says we should give thanks in everything.

The following were my old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening.

  1. I believed before that tithing is a must
  2. I believe before that contributions should be a fixed amount

How teaching affects me as a better person.
1.I now know that the sacrifice of praise is Thanksgiving.
2.I now know that we're to contribute voluntarily.
3.I now know that if a man makes a vow, he should redeem it.
4.I now know that the table signifies the church.
5.I now know that they're works that God entrusts to you.
6.I now know that making vow is voluntary
7.I now know that the offering of Thanksgiving is voluntary.

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