Thanks be to God and mcgi for another wonderful explorative teachings at the mass indoctrination day 10

Important points I learnt from God's word discussed.

One who has an inward man doesn't disobey the law. The commandment of God is for man to love his wife. The inward man delights in the law. It's God's commandment to love others. We should learn to be grateful firstly to God and then to others. We should be respectful to our parents because it's God's commandment.
1 Corinthians 13:5 talks about the commandment of God to examine oneself.

If you love God it means you still have the inward man in you. Jesus is the light of the world. Men only love darkness when their deeds are evil. A man who rapes his four years daughter is an outward man and a beast. They're men who look fully adorned, outwardly but they're beasts. A Christian should adorn the inner man. Adorning the hair with jewelry is prohibited. When God says something you'll benefit from it. Our skin has two functions. One to excrete or to repel.

If you can't eat it, don't apply it on your skin. When you do not sweat the skin absorbs. For us to be able to serve God, we need to be fine. The word of God always has a good meaning.
Hosea 2:13 talks about The one consequence of having too much jewelry is that you forget God. Adorning the outward man makes pride to be found. If you want to enjoy good health let us not adorn our body.

Romans 7:20 talks about being content with natural. We shouldn't complain to God or object to him. Adorning your body doesn't make you real.
1 Peter 3:4 talks about the hidden man of the heart should be adorned. The meek and quiet should be put on. our heart should be adorned with the word of God. It's the appeal we should put on; God's word.

The apparel of a woman is that she should be holy with good works. Christian women should adorn themselves with modest apparel. Women should expose their body. When women expose their body, it makes men sin. Natural is beautiful. Too much decoration spoils beauty. From sleeveless to backless, to topless and now clothless. Suitable for a man are men's clothing.
Wear modest apparel with sobriety and shamefacedness.

The following were my old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening.
1.that woman can do make-up and wear earrings.
2.That woman can wear trousers to church

How teaching affects me as a better person.
1.woman should always dress modestly with sobriety and shamefacedness.
2.Whenever God says something it will benefit me.
3.that if I still love God I have the inward man in me.
4.That a man should love his wife because it's God's commandment.
5.A Christian should adorned the inner man with God's word and good work.

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