People With Disabilities. MCGI Cares Live Service Review

John 9:1-3 (KJV) And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.
And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

People with disabilities are people just like us. They are not most times directly responsible for their predicaments. We should treat them with love and care. We should not discriminate against them. The trauma of life under the pains of whatever disability they're living with is a serious burden on them that is why we should not discriminate against them.

Many people are born with a disability because God wants to use their case to demonstrate His power to the world. That was the case of the man in the Bible where the disciples asked Jesus who sinned that made the man to be born disabled. Bro Eli Soriano explained this to us during the documentary played during the MCGI Cares Live Service. There are many people like this in the world. It is not as if it ended with the blind man in the Bible. It has been the case with many disabled people around us. The case with such people is that one day God will use them to demonstrate His power by healing them of their disabilities.

The way we treat people with disabilities should be with love. We should love and assist them in any way we can. We should not discriminate against them. We should not attribute their predicaments to they I'll doing. God alone is the Judge who knows all things. Let us learn to bear with people in whatever conditions we find them. Let us show them love. Let us help the helpless. It that way we will be able to fulfill the laws of God.

Another issue that Bro Eli pointed to us is the issue of parents being the cause of their children's disabilities. There are many people who were born with disabilities due to their parents’ ill doings. Some of the abnormal social vices by many parents have caused their children the mental and physical deformities they are carrying. As we are living our lives as adults, let us have the fear of God and adhere to medical advices so that we don't leave a problem for our offspring.

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