Obedience To The Will Of God, Part 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

Keep The Commandments

What we are to do to be in the will of God is to keep the commandments. This is the whole duty of man. We must follow the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ if we want to obey the will of God.

Galatians 6:2 (KJV) Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Bro Eli Soriano gave us another invitation in this video to listen to the indoctrination sessions of the MCGI. During those indoctrination teachings, Bro Eli teachings about the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we understand the commandments of God and obey them, we will be doing the will of God.

Learning the will of God is imperative for us. We must understand what God’s will and commandments are. We must seek to understand this. That is why we must study the Word of God in the Bible so that we will be able to understand the will of God.

The commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ is what is invoked in our time. It is not the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments was given many years ago. When Jesus Christ came, he introduced to us His commandments. We must study and understand these commandments so that we can follow them.

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