Hello everyone welcome to my post today.
Actually today's topic was really given and interesting.

Acknowledging the Truth as Christians is very very important. For us to find favour from God we have to acknowledge the Truth. The God who we serve is a true God, and there's nothing bigger than him to do, Therefore as we have the true God who will also provide for his children and guide us. Our life is in the hand of God. God almighty gives peace and happiness. Our material things such as money can not buy peace, only the true God can give confident Peace. Col 3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."
So is it clear, we have to allow God Peace to govern and guide our heart, if you have anxiety there's one person who we can run to, who is the almighty God, God will give us what we ask for, God will also answer us when we call him. We have to acknowledge the Truth as Christians by this way we are promoting and speaking the doctrines of Christ Jesus. Thanks for stopping and reading.

Some bible passages:
Colossians 3: 15
Luke 1:37
Matthew 6:34
James 3:13
Psalm 145:16-18.

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