Come Home the master calls


God is always calling and giving us a second chance to return home to our first love, someone once said with the kind of evil in the world why didn't God just destroy the whole world fast with fire like he did with water in the days of Noah and build another but the correct answer is God is giving us a second chance, it is not his pleasure to see us the creature he so much loves to be destroyed seeing that he had paid the price and make provision for us to escape death.

Acknowledging that we have sinned is the number one step to genuine repentance and a correct step toward returning to our first love ie To God almighty.

It takes courage to make that conscious decision to return home just like the prodigal son, remember that story in the Bible of the prodigal son right? after leaving home when he asks the dad to give him his part of the property, he spend everything outside and started suffering eating from pigs food then he came back to his senses and made that decision to return home and when he did the dad welcome him with a big celebration.

Can you make that decision today, God and all the host of heaven,angels are waiting to receive you home.

Say this aloud along with me.

"Lord Jesus, I come before You just as I am, I love You and I believe You died to save me from my sins. Tonight, I receive You into my life and I decree that I am Yours".

​Congratulations you are now born again ,find a Bible church of Jesus Christ around you and be planted servicing God faithfully and get involve in soul winning because he that wins a soul is wise,the father delight you do so in Jesus name Amen


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