Best teachings according to the following bible verses
Matthew 6:29
Psalm 145:16
Deuteronomy 32:39
colossians 3:15
Luke 1:37
Matthew 6:34
philippian 4:7

See now that i,am he and there is no god with me,I kill and i make alive,I wound and i heal neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand "Deuteronomy 32:39"
We have to acknowledge God that we can run to him in any time of trouble.
It is the commandment of Jesus Christ for we to study the word of god God is the true God.
Our life is in the hands of God who is the almighty so let's acknowledge his power.
The peace of mind is called money cannot buy peace so God is peace.

If we have insecurity and problem there is who we can run to and this is the almighty God.
Bible said God gives peace he is righteous in all his ways, God is night unto all that call upon him, he is there for all that go upon him when we call upon him he will answer us.
It is also good to study the Bible the doctrine of Jesus Christ so let's try and learn the word of God.

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