Teachings of today according to the following bible verses:
Matthew 22:37
Luke 6:35
Matthew 5:44
1st Timothy 2:4
1st Corinthian 9:21
According to the teaching of Jesus Christ let us do good to all men especially to the church do good to all men in the house hold of faith.
For us to understand God commandment we have to know the primary commandment which is love like it is said in the Bible in all put on love which is the bond of perfection.
Upon all righteousness the primary thing is love which is the bond of perfection and the primary doctrine of Jesus Christ.
Let us learn to love each other. The first person to accord love is God because that is the commandment of Jesus Christ secondly is to our fellow man.
Love is the first and greatest commandment and secondly thou shall love thy neighbor as yourself , love your enemies don't love only your good ones.

It is good to love your enemies and pray for them for it is said in the Bible and also practice in the Church of God because loving our neighbors and our enemies and praying for them we make us be the children of God and have reward in heaven do good to your enemies in faith.
so love is the bedrock of everything.
Do good to all men according to Saint Paul in the Bible we will relate with our fellow men we will do good to them according to the Church of God do good to your spouse your parents and fellow men.
It is good to be friendly to people don't frown ,some people don't know how to smile with others, please learn to smile with others and be at peace with others.
it is the will of God for all man to be save.

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