Today's teaching according to the following Bible references
1stCorinthians 8:7
Romans 1:25
Isaiah 44:4
1st Peter 4:3
Is good to worship the true God.
And it is bad to worship idols they are man made craft it is like a carpenter making woods and say to them you are my god you should know it is written in the Bible for we to bow and kneel only before almighty God and not idols if you kneel down before other things that are man-made it means you are making it your god for it is bad worshipping other things is idolatry and is very bad.
Who changed the truth of God into a lie for God does not lie he is a truthful father so worshiping idols is very bad don't worship a creature but they creator which is God Almighty.

Worshiping other things before God is an abomination.
we should avoid things offered to idols example when food is offered to idols we should not eat it for it is an abomination is a sin against God so Christians are prohibited to eat food offered to idols.

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