I recall last year i was heading to the office when i was attack on the way, the armed robbers took all my valueable, my phone, wallet and work stuff in my bag, initially when i tried to struggle and shout for help during that moment they one of them took out a machete cut the wrist of my hands, i was bledding so bad, then like a miracle one old lady took me to a near bye clinic were the bleeding was sustained, before my friends came around took me to the hospital, there i was diagnose lf a severs tendon damage, the cut had affected my wrist so bad i could not move my fingers anymore, these needed a surgical operation, and that would cost a fortune, but as God would have it i was under the universith student insurance scheme which i had earlier completed, after two weeks i was billed for the operation which was a huge success, first time in mylife, my friends told me i was dead for close to five hours, during the operation, i wasn't breathing, They kinda used external oxygen on me, it took me two and a half week to heal completely before i was discharged, mind you most of these expenses was taken care of by the government.

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While i was in the hospital i saw people suffer in pain, groaning, crying, going through severe pain, i so pitied them, why should human go through all of these, most of which was inflicted upon them by others like in my case, it was harsh, but then i got angry, here people are crying and begging God for their lives to get another chance to be normal again, meanwhile there are others who are out there living life extravagantly no care, living lavishly, like its nothing, i cried, there was a lady at my far corner who was groaning in so much pain like she would die anytime soon, but nobody was paying attention to her there.

If only people would understand this that life is just a free gift by God, even tho its free we can learn to appreciate it, value it, cherish it, live it purposefully, doing what pleases God and be intentional about it.

While i was in the hospital i feel God brought me here to actually see things for myself, i saw things and i was scared for my own life, and this is a testimony how God worked things out for me, everything was done without my own penny, off course i was broke at the moment, but how God came through for me is a miracle...

Everyday i thankGod for the gift of life, what i went through in the hospital that period made me see and appreciate life differently i now know that even tho it looks as if its free, there is a price that has been paid for me and for the u seen battles God is fighting for me watching over me, even while i'm sleeping is something i cannot take for granted....

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