HOW Many Times Should We Study The Word Of GOD ....#MCGI Topic Reviews

There should never be a number of times of we studying the word of God....Bro Eli Soriano

This reminds me of the scripture that says men ought always to pray, so prayer should always be a constant thing we do always, so is studying the word of God on a regular basis, by so doing we are equipping ourselves more and helps us connect with God better.

Studying the word of God on regular basis helps nuture our spirit man, its digesting God in us through his word, helps us to be able to overcome certain temptations and dart thrown at us from all angle of life, imagine if Jesus wasn't fortified with the word of God when satan came to tempt him after the baptism, it was easy for jesus to Come up with that response cause he had spent time studying the word, altho he was Gods word personified, he was human and had to spend time in the temple with the pastors and elders learning asking questions.

Bro Eli made mention of from when he started studying the word of God, teaching and admonishing the congregation of Gods people, says there shoudn't be a number of times were we ought to study Gods word, we should do so at all times.

There are numerous benefit of dwelling in Gods word all the time, its everything a believer should do often alonside praying most times these are the things Jesus did always and if we want to and such results as him then we should follow after his pattern.

Jesus admonish us to continue in his word that shows we are his disciples, we has believers should shew forth his glory manifesting his wonders as CHRISTIANS not just bearing the name but working in his footstep.

A believer who do not engage with the word of God everyday is a dead christian, if we are hungry physically we must look for food to eat otherwise we will starve, looking pale, so is our spirit man, what feeds the spirit is nit physical food but spiritual meal which is the word of God, the more we feed on it the more healthy our spirit will be, connecting and maintaining healthy communicating with God better.


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