Mass Indoctrination day 6

Summary of what I learnt from (MCGI Care) Mass indoctrination day 6 held on zoom April 25 2022.
It got to my understand that if a man already think or have the thoughts in his mind or heart to sin it is sin already.
And also we should confess our sins and transgressions first to our Lord Jesus Christ not to a priest or pastor, Clearly stated in the bible book of Psalm 32:5 the bible made it clear that sin can only be forgiven when we confess and admit our sins, and forsake them God will have mercy on us.

And also when we serve the Lord our God diligently in truth and in sprite, God will always remember us in days of our adversaries and temptations.
As a story was told is in the bible book of Luke 4: 25-27 In Israel in the time of one of God's savant Elias, when the heaven was shut up for three years and six months, a great famine was spread all the land of Israel in land of Sarepta in a city of Sidon, they where many lepers but God sent Elias to none but to a woman that was a widow.

I also learnt that the house of God is the church of God, not a building build by men with cement and bricks. God does not stay in a temple build by men the bible said it should be called a house of prayer not the house of God the bible said in the book of Isaiah 56: 7
"Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar, for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people"
And when praying we should kneel down facing towards the East, this is not a doctrine but a discipline and the sake of order, and also because the glory of the Lord our God started from the East. as the scriptures says in the bible book of Zechariah 8:7

And lastly I learnt that God loves men so much, because of us his only begotten son suffered. as its in the bible book John 3 :16 .

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