Mass Indoctrination day 4

Summary of what I learnt from MCGI Care, Mass Indoctrination day 4 held on zoom April 21-2022

I got to understand that God is always ready to hear and answer our prayers, and also when praying we should pray with supplication and thanksgiving in our heart, the scripture stated it clear in the book of Philippines 4:6.
and also some people pray only when there are in problems or sick, but as Christians and children of God that should not be our way of life, we should pray when there are problems or not. scripture speaking in the book of Luke 18:2-7 Jesus Christ our lord was giving a short story clearly about an unjust judge who feared not God or had any regarded for any man, but there was a certain widow who had come to this judge, to avenge her of her adversary, but he would not for even a while, but latter said to him self because he feared not God or had any regard for any man and also because this widow has been troubling him he granted her request. then the Lord said,
"Hear what the unjust judge saith.
And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?". even also in the book of
2Timothy 1:3, so it is clear that we should pray to the Lord day and night according to the bible.

And also when praying your words should be few and not using vain reputations, even as the bible said in the book of 1Thessalonians 5:7.
I also learnt that if a person's heart and tongue that is full of wickedness and speak always of evil,
goes to God in prayers its an abomination and the face of the Lord is against them, as the bible says In the book of 1Peter 3: 10-12 and also as husband and wife before going to God in prayers you both must be in agreements and one minded because if not so your prayers will be hindered, as the scripture says in the book of
1Peter 3:7.
And lastly the bible says in book of
Proverbs 15:8 that the prayer of an upright man is the Lord's own delight.

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