Mass indoctrination day 13

Summary of what I learnt from Mass Indoctrination day 13 held on zoom
March 2-2022

I learnt that there are two type of sin, a sin that is unto death and a sin that is not unto death. A sin that is not unto death can be forgiven, but a sin unto death cannot be forgiven.
If a brother commit a sin in the church and he has being cautioned more than twice, such a person should be expelled from the church, because if you don't expel such a person that person can influence others.
Romans 2:20-22 they are pastors who preach what they don't do, because they want to gain more members
Stated in the following bible verses, Romans 6:4 2Corinthians 5:12
1John 5:16 Titus 3:10 Mark 3:29

And also I learnt eating foods that has been offered to idols the holy spirit forbids us from eating it. Also stated in the book of Isaiah 44:13-18 Romans 1:28
And if we kneel down to worship any other gods apart from God it is called idolatry according to the bible, it is an abomination before God.

And God prohibits us to eat blood because it a sacred thing for God,
Animals that died by strangled is prohibited because their blood was not poured.
Stated in the book of
Leviticus 17:11 Genesis 9:3

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