The bell is still ringing

This article primarily serves to reflect on how each of us has been spending our lives at the moment. The bell has been ringing since we were very young, and even though we are now quite old, it is still ringing and We all have no idea when it will stop ringing, and for some individuals, that day will be the best of their lives while for others, it will be the worst.... So this is dependent upon how we live our lives on earth and how our actions affect those of others.

In order for you all to comprehend what I'm trying to say, let me relate a brief story.....

There was this wealthy woman, She was introduced to her family's business at a young age, which is mostly why she was wealthy at that point in her life... She treated her employees poorly and occasionally assaulted them as a result of her negative attitude, but every time she was taken to court for the crimes she committed, she always win every case because she had a lawyer that never seems to lose a case and obviously the lawyer was so good.

A time came when she assaulted her employee once more, but this time she pushed her and the employee stumbled due to the damp floor, and this time the employee tragically lost her life and She sobbed uncontrollably while in court because she knew she would probably be sentenced to life in prison. However, no one was able to assist her at that time because nobody else was present.

When all hope seemed lost, a magical event occurred, and the same lawyer who always stepped in to assist her whenever she found herself in a predicament or issue she had created on her own appeared out of nowhere and came up to the witness box before the young rich woman could approach it and he interceded for the woman and he did it gently and he was noble throughout.

Despite the fact that this was a murder case and the previous crimes the victim had committed made everything challenging, the two were able to overcome these challenges thanks to the lawyer's expertise, their personal connection, and the resources at their disposal. As a result, they grew closer than ever.

Few years later, the rich woman still had the same attitude and she had this idea that if she could be able to pull out of a murder case which is one of the difficult ones, definitely she would be able to escape any other problem she finds herself..... And unfortunately one day came and she assaulted another worker and this time around the work took the case to court because she also slipped but luckily she didn't die and that made it a an attempted murder.

The young rich woman was so confident that she would pull out of this also and she made a call to her lawyer but unfortunately the it didn't go through and she had no way on contacting him because it has been a while they came in contact and she went for the best lawyer in town and she was well prepared for the court.

The day finally arrive, when she appeared in court and immediately she entered into the court room, she discovered that her lawyer that do defend her no matter what, was now the judge and her first statement was, I'm back again with a smile on her face..... And her previous lawyer who's now the judge smiled and immediately she stepped towards the witness box.

The judge informed her, "I was your attorney before, and regardless of what you did, whether good or terrible, I was there to support you and to defend you whether you were guilty, Due to the fact that it was his responsibility to prove your innocence, I continue to do so since, as he reasoned, I now have to uphold justice now that I am a judge and instantly the young woman knew she was not going to be saved today and she knew it was her last crime before she finally serve all her punishment.

This narrative merely serves to illustrate how, as Christians, we live and how, under all circumstances, Jesus is and always has been our Savior and also willing to accept us back with all the attrocities committed and he serves as our judge on the last day, when he will render a just verdict for each person depending on how they have lived their lives.

The bell is still ringing, and since the clock is running out and the end is drawing closer, it's still not too late to turn to Christ.

Thanks for reading 💗💗 💗💗💗💗

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