How to stop drug addiction. MCGI topic review

In this video, Brother Eli Soriano explains the reasons why people get addicted to drugs and how possible they can get out of it.

According to Brother Eli, the human body is an adaptable organism that can adapt to any situation it is in. This is demonstrated by the fact that when it's cold, the pores of the skin close automatically, and when it's hot, the force of the skin opens naturally to allow perspiration and release the excess heat out of the body.

The body has its mechanics of adapting itself to any kind of environment, such as cold and hot environments, and can adjust itself to any environmental conditions because of its adaptability.

Brother Eli explains that if the body is used to smoking, it will become addicted to it as the body has already adapted to the poisonous material that can cause damage to the cells and tissues of the body.

When a person uses drugs for the first time, the body will try to reject them because drugs like smoking are foreign to the body. However, when the body becomes used to it, it will be a craving which can become an addiction that could damage the body's organs if not checked.

Brother Eli went further to give an example of how drug addiction can harm the body. In the example, he talked about the Buddha of the Buddhism religion who died after eating poisonous mushrooms by accident. He died by injecting poisonous substances into his body, an indication that he was an addict.

It's important to know what you are taking into your body, as it can cause damage to your life.

Can God help to stop drug addiction?

We cannot say YES or NO to the question. It depends on the person concerned and how he or she approaches the matter. If the person does not follow God's will, addiction cannot stop just because the person believes that God can help him. This is because the body has adapted to it.

Sacrifice and faith are required for a person to be able to stop taking drugs. The person must admit that he needs help, and take necessary actions to obey God's will. God can only help when a person takes the necessary actions to do what the word of God says in the Bible.

Brother Eli used himself as an example of how a person can get help from God to stop addiction. According to him, he was once a cigarette smoker and a chain smoker, but when he understood the will of God in the Bible, he threw his lighter into the river and threw the last packet of cigarettes he has away.

Since then, he has stopped smoking. To Brother Eli, it was due to his faith and fear of God that keeps him from going back to smoking. This, according to him is because God has put on us the responsibility about how to use our bodies and manage our lives. We are responsible for what we take into our bodies, so we cannot blame God for our addiction and not expect a miracle to take it away. The only way God can help to stop addiction is only when the person concerned makes the sacrifices to obey and do God's will as written in the Bible.

The person who is an addict must help himself by first showing determination and faith to eradicate the addiction from his or her life.

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