
Thanks again @hiro-hive and all the @Mcgicares community team, all the weekly topic reviews are always sensitive ones, the type that calls to deep thoughts.

Few weeks ago I had it on me to create a blog post on these same ISSUES, reason being that I often portray myself as a man of my words and I have always worked up to everything I say, but something happened recently that goes beyond my own powers to keep to my promises so I failed and honestly it hurts me deeply that I didn't fulfill my words and allow it fall to the ground Till today I carry the guilt on me,


I tried but I couldn't find a way to create a draft so I left it.

This is one fascinating fact about the #Mcgicares community, there's always how every topic speaks to me directly, while listening to #BRO ELI SENARIO, the words were just synchronising with mine and I just got it right there....

I felt it heavy on me to let out on letters as to why words fail, why do people say things they can't fulfill to the end I thought about this, because In several instance I have been so disappointed by people I trust to do what they say, who so try to get their way through with words, in convincing me that they will fulfill their promises, but the next second they all failed,

So we're often disappointed by these failed promises,

Bro Eli teachings specifically centres on our children, we often make promises to the kids, most times to cheer them up or cajole them to do something, they wouldn't

And you know what about kids their heart are very fragile and they're very vulnerable to the things we do and the words we speak to them, so imagine yourself as a father or a mother going out in the morning and your child clings to you crying and you promise her that you would get her favorite toy when coming back and when you return you forgot and you have used your last penny paying the cab man back home, and there she stood at the door eagerly awaiting for you to gift her what you promised, there you just realised that you made a promise but failed and she began crying .....how would you feel. Can you sleep that Night?


That's why in his teachings Bro Eli Emphatically said that you better not promised a thing than doing so and not keeping to your words, he then directed us to the book of proverbs 13:12 that passage reflects on our promises, when you promise somebody something it builds hope in them because they know you will fulfill it, esp to your children

But when you fail it makes them sober that's why Bro Eli reitetated the fact that is it is better to rather surprised them than when you make a promise that you can either keep or not cause nobody knows tomorrow

A surprise is much better to a promise not kept

He further points out in Eclessiasties 5:4 for a fact that God himself frowns at anyone who defaulted on his vows, he sees them as foolish people, as a matter of fact it is better not to vow than to vow and not fulfill your vows


So therefore if it displease God we as his children should not fail to keep to our words esp when we say them to our children or anyone we associate with.

Thank you for reading through if you wish to be a part of these loving Community of god's people who nurture and groom you in the faith feel free to drop in your take on Topic reviews.png


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