How should a single Christian woman live her life? | MCGI Topic Review

This Really an interesting topic of review, most times in our society you see singles ladies going into all manner of things that do not seem right , i stead of been steadfaat serving the lord in his presence they rather run after prophets amd soothsayers seeking for marital bliss and harmony.

Waiting for many years might look like a waste of time, but no it isn't, A pastor once said, if your waiting upon the lord, dont wait in vain, do what waiters do....serve.

What does it mean to serve, say in a church were you worship belong to a service group, a department, be active, be consistent, be commited to ensuring that the kingdom business moves foreforward, i really love what Member's church of God international are doing , the outreaches are excellent ways of serving one another, the society, organising visits to all the vulnerable ones, old parents, care home, orphanages, the less privilage etc.

Bro Eli in his teachings uses this as a point of contact to portray his point on serving, which is one of the numerous ways the lord blesses those who are diligently serving him,

I meant to believe this very topic under review should be a series cause this question should be thrown for both gender, living as a single lady is one tough decision, due to the pressure coming from others, society, peer group, friends about marraige, our society has normalise this norm, mounting pressure on the women to get married,

According to Bro Eli's teachings anchoring on the scripture in 1corin.7:31-32 about the married and unmarried amd their priorities in life, here's werebut really caught me, cause i never knew this scripture existed untill now, personally i have seen actualise in my life and my priorities towards serving the lord, i am more inclined towards my spiritual growth, praying, hearing the word, evangelism i love the lord amd i always want to serve anything to do, but this is not the same with some of my friends who proffess to love the lord but are not single, not like they married but they are dating, so their activities are more self-centered.

I can boldly speak of myself in this manner to show that what Bro Eli is saying in this teachings are actually true, and same goes to all of us irrespective of gender, while you're single now what are priorties as a believer, is it about self or something else?, recall what the bible said in Ecclesiastices 12:1

Remember the lord your God in the days of your youth for a time will come when you will say i have no pleasure in them

What that actually means is that not only will you be weak amd tired at old age, by then all the energy you had will be gone, you will have other priorities and things to takecare of as a means of responsibility, so now that you are juat you serve the lord now, and be steadfast in it,

Jesus at some point said i will do the work of my father while its day for the night will come when no man will be able to, i guess he was reffering to the above Scripture about serving the lord now that you are still able to...

Thanks @mcgicares and everyteam making these production possible i've really learn alot from watching the teachings

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