So i might really talk about trust here more, cause its like everything we've got since we make that decision to follow and become to conform to the image of who God really created us to be, even when we fell off Gods radar,

Trust personally to me means to believe on someone with everything there is, to hope, to rely on a person to perform or to fulfill in whatever terms, to deliver withholding nothing, giving it all and knowing definitely for sure that he won't fail..

In proverbs 3:5-6 the scripture says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight

Trust in God is like saying to God i know you too well i can rely on you, cause you are too much too faithful to fail, i can be blindfolded to follow your leading cause i know for a fact that you will surely lead me to a greener pasture were i can find peace, stillness, all that i long for.

In psalms 27 it says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want, he maketh me to lie green pastures he leads me beside the still waters, these is what it feels if you allow God take the wheel from you, trust him to lead you, to guide you, for sure he created us, he knows all our troues and cares and worries and whatsoever it is that makes us uncomfortable, he knows it all, even before we come to him, he understands our heart beat and in his own word he said

The thoughts that i have towards you are the thoughts of peace not of evil to give you an expected end...jer. 29:11

There are thousands and one strong worded promises from God to us reassuring us of his ever present help, love tender mercies, cares, provisions for us, to build us to equip us and makes us into who we are suppose to be in HIM as it was meant to be right from the beginning.

Hope against hope

The first time time i came across that phrase was in Romans 4:18 ....And Abraham against hope Belived in Hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be.

I paused for a while trying to understand what it actually means hope against hope holding unto what God had said concerning him even at a very old age that it was impossible to father a child biologically Abraham held unto the word of God even after 25 years he still believed that it will come to manifestation, that's why he is called the father of faith.

Most of us today can't even wait on God anymore even with all the concrete evidence of Gods deeds in the bible that he never fails nor disappoints, he said in Isaiah as the heavens are higher than the earth so are his thoughts than ours, so while we might think that God will act in a certain way, he's actually busy coming through for us in ways we least expect, so dear, hold on, God never fails nor disappoints his own

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