Most times we feel frustrated when what we prayed for isn't forth coming as expected, we heard the prophecies concerning us, and we know to the core that God's word never fails whatever he has apoken about your life must surely come to past, so what if waiting for the manifestation of these word seems to be forever.

We go to church we listen to the preacher tries as much as possible to convince us of God's faithfulness over his promises, we seat still observing the preacher talking so confident and proud, sometimes bringing in testimonies as proves of what he's trying to pass across to us, and so we are like is God doing this to him because he's a pastor, so he's so righteous and holy and we're unqualify to recieve the goodness of God

So we began to feel unworthy, undeserving, unwanted that's why certain things aren't working well in ourlives but then lets understand some basic realities about God concerning us, first off, he told us in Jeremiah 29:11 the thought i have towards you, are the thought of good not evil to give you an expected end, so basically God has us down in his will.

My Pastor teaching us one time says HOW do we know the things we desire, pursue in life are in Gods plan and will for us, these were most believers gets it all wrong desiring something because it seems good so we believe its Gods plan, so we pray and fast and do all sort of things to get it, meanwhile God can be saying this is not my thought for you, i've got something better, so withholding your prayers and trying to instruct you to follow a different path instead

Aligning your desires in Gods plan means submitting totally to his will, not imposing or forcefully going after a thing but rather allowing Godswilll prevail amd take it full course in our lives, cause he definitely has good and a much better plan for us, thats why he confirms this in Isaiah 55:11 says

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours and my thought higher than your thoughts

So when i see people began to disbelieve God over a failed matter and they began to feel in a certain way, maybe Gods punishing them for their sins, maybe God isn't interested in them anymore, NO thats a big lie, God has a greater and much better plan than what we thought....just like he said in same isaiah 43:2

When you pass through the waters i will be with you, through the rivers they shall not over flow you, when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you

These and a dozen other promises in the scriptures with deeds that attest to the assurance of Gods word when he speaks or makes an utterance concerning a matter, all these and all the event and occurances in the bible times were all documented to stand as proves and evidences of what his word is capable of doing.

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