I recall earlier this year, when i was about to come down to uyo, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. I was so confused, disturbed, lost like i didn't even know what to do, by now i was staying with my parents in port- Harcourt, River state Nigeria, so i needed to come over to uyo, Akwa Ibom state to finish up with my school, by now i was rounding up my university days, but before then i got in a terrible situation last year that almost took away my life, i survived it, then i got into another wrong business dealing with someone, this too almost got me in jail, i escaped this also, a lot of terrible encounters last year that shows my world was shattered and crumbled.

Never the less my faith was still rooted in God, because i knew he alone can take me out of the mess i was in at the time, i didn't know what to do, i only could hoped and pray things turn for my good, one time i went to church, we were having this all night prayer session and i was lost in it, i prayed so much like mylife depends on it, in a moment the spirit of God put a song in my heart....


That song got me so intensed in that prayer i was lost in the physical realm, i never realised i was crying, i had like 99 problems around me, i was ao troubled i didnt have peace of mind at all, then in the midst of that prayer the scripture in psalms that says

Many are the affliction of the righteous but the lord delivers them from it, in psams 91 vs 11 God said i will give Angels charge over me, they will bear me up in their arms so i wil not dash my foot against the rock

a lot of these scriptures popping up in my spirit at that moment got me prayering for hours so intensed, and thats something about me and prayers whenever i'm praying somehow the spirit of God bring his word into my spirit to agree with my spirit that what i'm praying there is an assurance to it that it will surely be,

I understand the act of praying with Gods word, that is the most effective way to pray, cause by that you are holding God to his word, of which God had said i will hasting my word to perform every word he has spoken over your life, he will not fail, he has never failed and he wont start now.

Not only has God andwered what i prayed for, but also did much more to for me, so much that, since the year began God had proven himself overtime and again that he is God and he's word never fails he will sure do what he wants to do in our lives despite of whatever circumstance surrounding our ways...

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