Fulfilled in God's Word

Have you as a believer ever imagined Christianity without the Bible, how would it feel like, what would be the bases of our testimony, what would be the prove of our faith, where would we draw our strength from, cause

The bible contains trackrecord of Gods wondrous and marvelous deeds in time past since the creation of the universe, with all that transpired from day one up untill the revelation of things to come, it contains the Acts of God, deeds of men the mind of God and The thought of men, however in ||Timothy 3:16-17, says all scriptures was given by the inspiration of the holyspirit and is profitable for doctrines, for reproof for correction, for instruction for righteousness..

Of All event documented was written by noble men who were led and inspired by the holyspirit to put this things down for such a time like this, so it becomes a guide, a testament a proof of our faith that this things actually happened in real life not some fairytale told and passed down by our ancestors. It actually happened, it was real and we believed these reports.

I was discussing with a friend and i said, the bible you see is a manual or menu of life, Its similar to say for every manufactured product you buy from the market there always comes with it a manual that descripes how that product is to be used which is a guide on step by step "How-To-use" such that with or without a service man being present you can literally install and run what ever device or machine or any sort of equipment that you purchased, if you presumed to know and go ahead to install or use the product without proper reading amd understanding what the manual says then there is bound to be an abuse, faulty operation that will definitely damage some component.

The Bible is man's manual, in it contains in every detailed manner all that man would need in life to live a well purposed, intentional, destiny driven, patterned life, this is the good life designed by God for man and he had to hide the blueprint in the bible, first that man will have that hunger to want to discover purpose in his word, secondly that man will hunger for his creator to want to know what is his purpose of existence and thirdly to know how to go about fulfilling this divine assignment all the days of his life upon the earth..

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