When you pass through the waters, i will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you, when you walk through the fire it will not burn you, the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43 : 2

Life can really be filled with lots of circumstances beyond our control, situations that we can't handle, life can be filled with uncertainty, confusion, complexity etc, most times we are at a crossed roads not knowing were else to go or what else to do, some very unpleasant reality we must deal with at all cost atleast for the moment to elapase.

Time is of the essence....

No matter whatever you going through right now hold this mantra fimly and if you have to declare it every day please do, Everything in life is just a phase, it will pass, it will pass only if you hang on in there, have faith to persevere, to keep pushing, to stay consistent even when its not favourable, staying at it.

There's something about generating the staying power in you, its call inner energy, thats faith, if you read carefully the definition of faith, you understand that, it deals with something of the opposits sense, faith requires that you believe God wether it makes sense or not to bring to manifest what you re hoping on.

The scripture is filled with Gods unwavering steadfast love, care and support for those he calls his own, so he knows but he would want to test you faith measure in it not just getting it, can you still hold on even after its done?.

Most of us are currently going through deep things that only us understand better, with unpleasant situations but we must keep on grinding, because of the long run effect....the scripture says JESUS for the joy set before him endured all things now he is seated at the right hand of the father having being bestowed all powers in the heavens and earth and beneath the earth.

What that speaks to me is that we would go through fire, waters, rivers all these portray the different shades of life's ordeals, if we live in the conciousness that there is a Joy that lays ahead of us if we persist, if we don't give up trying, Believing Gods word to the later he will surely perfect all that concern us and grant unto us our heart desires.

Finally the bible says in proverbs 24: 10, if you faint in the days of adversity that means your strength is small, then in isaiah 40:31

***But they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like the eagles, they shall run and not be worried thay shall walk and not faint.

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