Everyday especially in our world were everything has turned the other way round, the cost of living is something else, the prices of things are heightened everyday, it's such a trying time were the hope of the common man is dashed away by those in authority regulating everything except the air we breath...

Which often I give God the Glory and I worship him from my heart, because of men were God's having to regulate the air we breathe then the whole earth would be filled with only the rich of the richest, those in power and authority

The beautiful thing about knowing God is that you can never get enough of him, it's like the more you go deeper, it's like mysteries are been unraveled to you and you just want to get it all, that's why my most moment in his presence is the time for worship, praises and the word, of all this I draw my essencein times of worship because in those songs of worship and adoration is the mystery of God revealed to me and it seems I just want to be lost in him, it's like the moment should never stop, like we should spend the entire day just worshipping.

Most times when I see believers struggling I wonder a lot, because I know that God is never biased, he is just and fare, you see from my teenage days I've always been more inclined to God's word in mathew 6:33, which reveals to us the mystery of Kingdom wealth, it says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every other thing will be ADDED

that's it right there, the key to wealth, the key to all of our needs, that is our sufficiency, I discovered this truth many years ago, and since then I just know that if I stick with God, it's definitely going to be okay with me, no matter what's happening at present, many of my friends had gone ahead of me, but deep down I know and I so believed God's word for me like it will come true,

Not like believers don't know this, it's like asking anybody to recite john 3:16...its almost like a song, everybody knows it, but just with their lips not with their heart, even when. In church they seat down listening to the preacher jot down every thing word to word but after that do they even have the slimmest of time to just flip. Through it again?, when Jesus noticed this he had to teach the people the parable of the sower, about the four different soils and the man who looks at himself in the mirror and in-seconds forgot how he looked like.

A lot of believers major in the minor things of life, and minor in the major, this is intertwined that's why it's like God's word is not working, it's like nothing is working, not experiencing growth in business, personal life and otherwise

Right now I don't worry, I don't stress about a lot of things, because I know my sufficiency is of God, in Phillipians 4:19 he said that he will supply all my needs according to his riches in Glory, and again this is wereany believers get it all wrong, they think God to be like some magician who can always deliver them whenever they're in need or in trouble,

I believe that we're created in God's image and likeness, and so he knows all our needs and wants but then we have to create this relationship with him through daily in take of his word, studying his word and communicating with him through prayers we're making God our sufficiency.

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