Doing Good To All Men

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Doing good to all men |The Old Path

Bible reference: Galatians 6:10

Our help towards people should not be limited only to our fellow members in church. We can actually help anybody. As Christians, it is God's commandment that we do good to all men. This is a responsibility bestowed upon us by God.

When we help one another, we are carrying out God's commandment. Our scripture is taken from Galatians 6:10. It says:

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

This tells us that no man should be excluded when it comes to rendering help. It is unfair to be in the position of rendering help to a fellow, and we deny the fellow the help. We should endeavor to be of help to people, especially to those in the household of faith.

I believe as human beings we all need help in one area of our lives or another. Anyone who says he doesn't need help is simply telling a lie. No matter the influence or power one may have, there will definitely come a point in the person's life when the person will be in need of help.

Everything may seem perfect at a time, but no one knows tomorrow. Failing to help someone today may equally deny you of your help tomorrow. Undoubtedly, you may be faced with a situation where the help you require can only be offered by the person you once refused to help.

This is why we should not hold back when it comes to helping people. As many that we can help, we should endeavor to help them. This is God's commandment to us. It gives Him pleasure when He sees us doing good to one another.

There is no one on earth incapable of rendering help to someone. Everyone has a way they can help someone out. If we think it is only when we have money that we can meet someone's need, then we are wrong.

Not all help is financially dependent. Our time we give to someone can do a lot of good for that person in a lot of ways we can't imagine.

We were not brought to this earth just for ourselves. We were brought for the sake of other people, to be of help in one way or another to them. This was the behavior of the early Christians. They saw to it that everyone's need was tended to. But God doesn't expect us to limit it to our fellow brethren alone but to all men generally.

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