MCIG Bible Teachings on 10th February, 2022

The peace of our Lord Jesus Christbe with us now and forever amen.

It's always good and impressive to come under the presence of the Lord to listen to His word that inspires and brings hope to the afflicted soul of our current world.


ACTS 23:8 makes us understand that, the Sadducees believes God does not exist. They also don't accept that existence of angels. And on top of it all, they also don't believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ who died and rose on the third day and in spirits.

  • But the Pharisees believes not or believe in one or two of the aboved mentioned. Every Christian believes in the existence and holiness of our God and His son Jesus Christ, we believe that there’s God and that’s why we serve God in faith and in spirit even though we have not seen him before and when we pray he hears us. But because the Sadducee does not believe in God they don’t believe in him nor the spirit nor the resurrection of Jesus Christ so the seek to brain wash people to accept their doctrines. As a Christian I believe and I have also seen the wonderful works God does for people who calls on him everyday.

GEN 2:7 addresses God’s plans and understanding of God creating the garden of eden. He made the garden or formed man from the dust of the groumd and gave man his spirit which is the breath of life that made man a living being. God plan was to make man the head of all his creation, that was carefully thought of and instituted. Everything was made before God created man. When God created man he put him into the garden to take dominion over the earth.

JOHN 6:63 teaches us to understand from the Bible that, spirit that quickened the flesh profited nothing, the word that o speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. So every spirit that controls the body is not of God, it is evil spirit. But the word of God is life and also spirit so we must believe in God and obey his word so that the spirit of God will dwell in us. We should believe in God and also share his word and teach other people to follow Christ. If there’s no God who then controls the moon and sun as the move? If there is no God who then created the heavens and the earth. There’s God and there is no doubts in my mind about it because we have seen and also heard and we get air for free and do not even know where it comes from. GOD does wonders if you look at how cassava grows when we put a stem on the ground. Till today he does miracles and He will do for you in times of troubles.

GAL 5:22 teaches us to bear good fruits among. Example of these fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness and faith. This is what is expected of us as Christians. We should love our neighbour us ourselves. Let us show the good example of a good Christian, let the fruits of the spirit stated in the bible be in our heart and we should practice these good deeds so that God will feel proud of us and will call us His sons and daughters amen and amen.

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