Mass Indoctrination Day 7 Teachings about Love. 18th January, 2022

Love is the foundation of creation. God created the world and anything in it because of love. In the begin, love even existed between wild animals and human beings. It todays lessons, the glory of God was manifested in his love for human beings even when we had sinned against His Holiness.

An act of kindness and showing love to your neighbour must be done with your whole heart to all men, especially to those who are not in the same faith with us so we can bring them closer to God

In the bible our God instruct us to put on love because it is the bind of all perfections.
It is necessary to express or show love and compassion towards one another. The first commandment in the bible is to love God, and the second commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Matthew 22:37-39-The Bible teaches Christians that we must first love God with all of our hearts, souls, and might, and then love our neighbors as ourselves.

Matthew 5:44 - I discovered that we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
Our Lords objective is to bring evil doers to Himself, we can only bring people close to see the light when we show them love. Love showed be manifested without seeking for anything in return.

We can also show love by trying to forgive each other our sins so our God can forgive us of our own transgressions.

Our way of life must be worthy of the gospel being steadfast in one spirit and soul striving for the word of God.

The act of being merciful to one another is an important commandment to us as Christians.

Matthew 5:7- The Bible explains that blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.


  • We should do good to everyone irrespective of beliefs or religion. Mercy or compassion should be shown to people from all walks of life. Doing good to those we know is not good.

  • Killing our fellow human beings for the sack of religion is not godly. Murderers does the hand work of their leader who is the devil.
    And any religion that teaches and promotes murdering in the name of faith is equally demonic.
    John 16:2 - the bible says a time may come that people who kill for the word might think they are doing that for God. God is so Holy to engage in murder.

  • Trying to settle cases within the church should be done without court. Forgiveness of wrong doing is the bases of our Christian life.
    The Bible is all we need to resolve matters in the church without the court but first we must show love to one another.


We should love God, His word and do good to everyone.

Love is patient and not hostile. We shouldn't be discouraged when people don't give us the same atitude but pray for them so they can turn from their evil ways.

God is always ready to accept us when we change from our old evil ways. Through the blood of Jesus shared on the cross, we have the assurance that we are saved.

This platform is an avenue to expose some of the evil teaches other are propagating. My general orientation about Christ and the gospel are being shaped constantly everyday.
Isaiah 58:1

We must try and win people to Christ through love but not by persecuting people by force into our faith.
Love our enemies and pray for them as we wish to be treated Amen

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