Bible Study by Brother Eli January 3, 2022

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us now and forever. Amen.

Brethren in Christ Jesus, i want to share with us all some of the key points i learnt from yesterdays bible studies.

The Bible tells us that in the last days God will pour knowledge into his people, God will cleanse and whiten his people, God's people will see visions, and God will you. Will increase the knowledge of the children .. And the Bible also says here that the wicked will not understand, but the wise will. Moreover, the Bible says that the wicked will not be unpunished, but the righteous will be released. I understand here that it is the children of God who are wise to hear and protect the Word of God.

It is clear that the wise will shine, become the light of the world, and the one who turns many into righteousness will shine like a star forever. Justice and holiness are what we need to please God. We are righteous and must help turn others into righteousness. Our goal is to turn injustice and evil into the way of God.

The Bible ensures that the old things have passed away, God has renewed everything.

The Bible teaches us that when we are reborn, the old life of Christians will be a thing of the past and God will renew everything. We need to be born again in order for God to change the old into the new.

From the book of John I understand that if everything God says happens, it will happen, and we will all believe that God is God. As children of God, we must believe that God is God, not man. God must not lie and fulfill whatever he says is true. I believe in Jesus Christ and I believe he died for my sins. I believe in god. If you believe in the Bible and do what it promises, you will be a good Christian and a better person. Hypocrites are not good Christians.

Bible verses in the book of Matthew also reveals to us that heaven and earth will surely die, but the word of God remains the same. That is, God is not because the word of God is God and God is his word. Returning to his words, what he said will surely happen. As the best children we should always believe in the Word of God, we should not only be the listeners of the Word, but leave what the Word says to ourselves.

  1. Our minds were brought back to the fact that the end is approaching and I have to be very careful about what is happening in the world. There are many things that can be distracting, so you need to be careful not to drop them. On top of that, the Bible says that anyone who thinks they are awake should not pay attention to what is falling. Roar every day for what he can destroy

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