Bible Studies Held on the 9th of February, 2022

Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ who died and rose on the third day because of iur sins who lives and reigns with our Lord God Almighty and the Holy Spirit one God forever and ever amen. May His peace be with us all.

  • Its been such and amazing experience in the presence of God and also a wonderful moment hearing the true word of God through his servant Brother Eli. Its always a blessing listening to such unadulterated word of God. I am uplifted both physically and spiritually. These true teaches is going a long way to affect my religious life and the way of life of my Christian being.

ISAIAH teaches us that, it is not everyone that calls himself a Christian or everyone that calls God's name that knows Him. Our Lord says that for He has formed or created everyone for His glory. So us children of God, everything we do must be something our maker should be proud of because we does that for His glory. The Bible teaches us not to mention the name of the Lord in vein, it is a sin to call the name of the Lord in vein. so let us not abuse the name of Lordbecause we might need the name to work miracle for us when we need it most in our difficult moments so that our Lord will answer us.

DANIEL 9:19 also retreats God's dislike about using His or calling on Him for an unreasonable situations. Our Lord is always ready to help us in every circumstances when we call on Him. Here the Bible says Oh Lord forgive, Oh Lord hearken and do, defer not, for thine own sake O my God for thy city and thy people are called by thy name, God takes glory when the righteous man call his name.

Today I learned that the name Christ was given to him by God, Jesus inherited the best name by his father. So if we know the importance and respect the name has then, we will not call the name when it is not so important because His name is His power and for the power to work for us, we must respect the name and use it right. When we jokenly use the name in vain, when we need Him most, He will not be available to help us. So we should be careful about that us Christians how we use our God’s name.

ISAIH 43:5;6 God is manifesting His power and glory to the Israelite that, they should
fear not for He is with them m, He would bring thy seed from the East and gather them from the West, this is an absolute assurance from God to His people. He assures them by giving His word that he is going to bring them from the East and gather them from the west.

  • He also said I will say to the North give up, and to the north keep not back, bring my sons from and my daughters from the end of the earth. Our Lords power has no boundary and as such we should hold his words in our heart and work in righteous ways so He can shoe his face to us whenever we call upon his name in His hope of glory. God will never shy his face away from us if we are truely His children amen. God bless us all

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