Massindoctrination day 9

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Welcome to my Post

Thank God that I here to write my post in this community.

Mass in doctrination day 9 was a good one. Many things to learn.

Many angels are out there, their sole purpose is to praise God. They sing praises to the name of God.
Some beings are called he 24 elders. Their purpose is to also sing to God.

When you gather with other people to pray, it is important to understand that singing is the most important part of it all.

You have songs for your girlfriend, you sing to your mother, and your wife. You have song for almost everything. On this. You should sing for God.

Sing for God a song which is joyful. A song that is of praises and thanksgiving. Play instruments when you praise.

You see some church sing and pray to Mary. Now, who is Mary? Even Mary prayed to God too. Why do sing for the person that God created? Sing for God and not the person he created.

Sing spiritual music. As you sing, sing it with grace in your heart. Sing to the most high God. Do not sing to saint Peter.

There is no specific time to sing. Sing always. Continuously.

David sing to God. He used musical instruments to sing and he danced while he sang.

When you sing to God you will get something.

During the time when Saul was king. The evil spirit enter into him. When David saw this, he sang to God and the spirit left. This is the power of music.

Music started a long time ago. It started before the earth was created. It came from God. The Angels was singing to God before the earth became in existence.

The commandment is to sing. Don't think your voice is not good. God likes your voice as it is. He made you. Do not be scared..sing to God with joy in your heart.

If you are in a gathering and you speak in tongues, you should be sure that there is somebody that is there to interpret what you said. If there is no one, then keep quite. Or talk to God.

That is the things I learnt from today. The Bible verses are:

Psalm 32:7
1 Samuel 16:23
1 Corinthians 14:26
Acts 20:7
Luke 2:13
Hebrew 2;12
Revelation 7:11
Psalm 92:1

Thank you.

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