mass indoctrination

Todays teaching from the mass indoctrination

you should pt love first above all things. Love is the primary doctrine that is recorded in the bible. The first person that you will love is God Almighty. The bible tell you that you should let brother love continue among you and your friends and your brothers and your sisters and your extend family. Do good to every body and honour every body.
Jesus intstructs you that you should love the lord your God with all of your heart. You are asked to love your neighbour and you should pray for your enemies. So you love your enemies. If you jeeo the commandment and love your enemies then you will be say that you are a child of Gpd.
You are adviced that you should respect any authourity that is over you pay your task if they ask you to pay your task do not join any authority that is want to go agiants government.

Bible verse of teaching

1 Corinthians 13:6-8
Hebrew 13:1
Romans 12:20
Malachi 4:2
Matthew 5:42
Matthew 22:37
Matthew 5:44

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