Mass Indoctrination day 7. 23/07/2024

Hello everyone.

Welcome to my post.

I am glad for a new day. Day 7 of mass indoctrination is a-must-join. I am already enjoying my stay in the community. I had added a lot to my knowledge and I wish to add more. I want to learn every thing I can learn in the mass Indoctrination. Thank God for life.

Today I joined it and I learnt a lot.

When you say you love somebody, you should act upon it. Do not only say you love someone with your words. Let your actions speak for you instead of your voice.

In life, you will have enemies. It is normal. But you should do good to your enemies. If your enemy is hungry, give them food and wine.
Do not hate anybody.

As a Christian which you are, you should not be a rebel towards the activities of the government. Support the government, pay your taxes and make sure that you abide by their laws.
Job 34:4 tells you to pray for your leaders.
Respect every authority that is above you. Submit yourself to them.

Respect is a two way thing. Parents should respect their children. Masters should respect their servants. If you love your family, you will respect the rights of your children. Masters ib the other hand should respect their servants.

Do good to everyone you see. Honor every man. This does not mean you honor only men. Honor both men and women.

Love. Love is the primary and one of the most important doctrines in the church.

Love everyone. Love your neighbor as you love your self. A person that loves us not jealous. Is caring and committed to the growth of their fellow man. They help those in need and provide for their friends in need. Love is the ultimate.

Some Bible verses are:

1 Corinthians 13:16
1 Peter 2:17
Hebrews 13:1
Romans 13:1-3
Job 34:4

That's all that there is to it. See you next time.

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