Mass Indoctrination

Hello everyone

welcome to my post

I have join the mass indoctrination today, day 7 and this is my lesson post.

We was taught that love is the first and primary doctrine in the church. if you love other people, it means that you are kind to them.
You are supposed to let brotherly love continue in your life and the life of other people aroud you. You should forever be kind to your brothers and other men, treat them with kindness and be sure that they are comfortable around you. Let love lead.
The bible instructs you to respect every authority that is over your head. When they tell you to do anything, do it. pay your tax and abide by the rules and regulation of the governing body. It is prohibited to conspire against the governing body.
The book of John tells you to submit yourself to authority.
Honour all men, and do what is right in the sight of God. if you love somebody, you will try everything possible to ensure their growth. you will not plan for their downfall.
Parents should honour their children and respect them. They should respect the rights of the child and help maintain it.
Respect is a two-way thing. Masters should respect their servants and servants should respect their masters.
In the church, you are not rebels against the leading body.
Love should be demonstrated. you should not say you love somebody without doing anything about it. Take actions to prove that you love them.

1 Timothy 2:1-3
Romans 13:1-3
1 Peter 2:17
1 Corinthians 13:6-8
Hebrews 13:1
Job 34:4

thank you

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