Forgive and Forget — What Does the Bible Say? - A REVIEW

Why is it for all the things that are forgettable – why is it that the bad things that they have done to you are not very easy to forget? This is a clear question that has been answered by the Bible. It is because of “lack of love”; as instructed by Jesus Christ to every Christian, we need to love and easily forget the past deeds that had hurt you. Just to let us know, there are things that are considered to be very easy to be forgotten but when it comes to ugly, evil and bad things we find it difficult to forget, why?

From Bro. Eli’s teaching, we tend to understand that there is a force behind such actions; it is a force that is not from God. In Hebrews 8:12, God forgives and forgets our deeds as He said:

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

This is God who knows the end from the beginning, an all-knowing God who recalls the past, present and future, He is saying that His mercy which clear all our iniquities from His memory. Wow! Meanwhile, we are here finding it difficult to forgive and forget.

For someone with a perfect memory is forgetting the iniquity of mankind, that is beyond the comprehension of human reasoning. Here is why Paul called it the depth of the riches of His wisdom – Romans 11:33.

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

God’s love is unsearchable and unreachable, and we are His own, therefore we need to be like Him. We need to forgive and forget like GOD, our father.

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